Coriorcco Brownfield (Au-Ag)
The Las Antas project encompasses two concessions covering a total area of 1800 hectares. Situated 110 km from the city of Nazca in the district of Puquio, province of Lucanas, Ayacucho region, the project is positioned within the Au-Ag belt from the Oligocene-Pliocene of Southern Peru. It is adjacent to the Coriorcco Project and a mere 80 km south of the Breapampa (Au-Ag) mine operated by South American Mining Investment.
Exploration & Geology
Las Antas represents a disseminated gold project with a potential resource of 1.1 million ounces of gold (Moz Au) within a high sulfidation system. The project is situated in Southern Peru and is hosted by the Calipuy volcanic layered stratigraphy, featuring andesitic flows, ignimbrites, tuffs, volcanic breccias, and agglomerate units. The volcanic stratigraphy has experienced intrusion by several andesitic to dacitic stocks, forming favorable units for mineralization. At the surface, these units are associated with a pervasive hydrothermal alteration system, characterized by intense silicification, vuggy silica, alunite, and illite.
A comprehensive sampling effort involved the collection of 1,397 surface rock samples, revealing anomalous values in arsenic and mercury (250 and 6 ppm, respectively) and surface gold values reaching up to 3.6 g/t Au.
The project is centered around two main target areas: Yuracmarca and Cerro Amarillo. The Yuracmarca target exhibits a footprint covering a 1.5 x 2.2 km area, characterized by argillic alteration with halos of propylitization and silicification. On the other hand, the Cerro Amarillo target, hosted by the Castrovirreyna formation, spans a footprint of 3.5 x 2.3 km. It features advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica and alunite) with halos of propylitization and intense silicification in the core.
Geochemical analysis of the samples highlights two areas of interest in Cerro Amarillo, where anomalies above 200 ppb Au were detected. These anomalies served as the basis for subsequent geophysical investigations. In 2004, geophysical studies, including spontaneous potential and induced polarization (IP), were conducted, covering a total of 43,000 meters of lines spaced every 50 meters. These studies revealed anomalies at depth, suggesting the presence of a large silicified mass and the potential existence of disseminated gold deposits or massive sulfides.